Ride with the reputed brands towards the talent market

brand consulting firms

This video takes a leaf out of the classical brand association approach. For long brands have ridden on the fame and glory of sport stars, film stars. Yet others use the reputation of their customers and clients to build their credibility. ‘We work with many top Fortune 500 companies’ or similar such statements are freely used by brands, many of which might not be too salient on their own.
Cut to Employer Branding!

We came across an interesting example of how Dealer Tire is using the technique above to enhance its appeal as an employer

For starters, Dealer Tire projects its impressive clientele; Mercedes, Volvo, Toyota. Thereby building a strong brand association of being connected with brands that are acknowledged to be the world’s best

But the story does not end there. Dealer Tire then goes onto connect their employer value proposition to the stringent demands of this world-class clientele. Quite a masterstroke! The fact that their customers demand high standards from Dealer Tire, helps them promise employees an environment where they have an opportunity to produce the best possible solutions. Dealer Tires business is entwined in the spirit of innovation and excellence of its customers, and consequently so is the challenge held out to employees     

The above could be a prize strategy for companies that operate in categories with low awareness in the public eye but have strong business associations they can leverage. Piggyback for a ride into the talent pool!

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